Sunday, March 31st
9 AM & 11 AM

When I hear the word Easter, I can’t help but think of family.  My wife and I buy new “Easter” clothes for our children, we get together with our family and eat a giant meal, and we put together a huge Easter Egg Hunt that we all participate in.  It’s a special time for us, and most families probably do something similar to what we do.
 But more important than family is the promise of Everlasting Life.  You see, Easter stands for Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection.  Jesus Christ came to earth and lived a perfect life so that He could die on a cross and defeat Sin, Death, and Satan.  He then rose from the grave three days later and now offers Everlasting Life to you and me.
 Though we may enjoy time with our families and have an Easter Egg Hunt, the true meaning of Easter is God’s victory over our sin.  Because He lives, we can live.  His life defeats Death and gives us Hope.  That’s what Easter means. 

Join us in person or tune in on the below TV programs.

Easter Morning Service | 9 AM and 11 AM
Sunday Evening Service | 6 PM

CW46    12PM – 1PM
NBC25    6:30AM – 7:30 AM
FOX66    11AM–12PM