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First Baptist Church of Bridgeport 2400 King Rd., Saginaw, MI, United States

Come join us for a time of fellowship and prayer before going door knocking. Ladies meet in the choir room and men meet in the church lobby. 10 am - …

Soulwinning Read More »


First Baptist Church of Bridgeport 2400 King Rd., Saginaw, MI, United States

9:40 am - Prayer meeting in the choir room 10 am - Soulwinning *See Pastor Cowling if you're needing an area to go door knocking


First Baptist Church of Bridgeport 2400 King Rd., Saginaw, MI, United States

9 A.M. - 11 A.M. IN THE GYMNASIUM Ladies 18 and older come join us for a joyful morning.


First Baptist Church of Bridgeport 2400 King Rd., Saginaw, MI, United States

Come join us for a time of fellowship and prayer before going door knocking. Ladies meet in the choir room and men meet in the church lobby. 10 am - …

Soulwinning Read More »


First Baptist Church of Bridgeport 2400 King Rd., Saginaw, MI, United States

9:40 am - Prayer meeting in the choir room 10 am - Soulwinning *See Pastor Cowling if you're needing an area to go door knocking