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First Baptist Church of Bridgeport 2400 King Rd., Saginaw, MI, United States

9:40 AM | Prayer meeting in the choir room 10:00 AM | Soulwinning *See Pastor Galdamez if you’re needing an area to go door knocking

Missions Conference

First Baptist Church of Bridgeport 2400 King Rd., Saginaw, MI, United States


First Baptist Church of Bridgeport 2400 King Rd., Saginaw, MI, United States

9:40 AM | Prayer meeting in the choir room 10:00 AM | Soulwinning *See Pastor Galdamez if you’re needing an area to go door knocking

FBC Summer Camp

First Baptist Church of Bridgeport 2400 King Rd., Saginaw, MI, United States


First Baptist Church of Bridgeport 2400 King Rd., Saginaw, MI, United States

9:40 AM | Prayer meeting in the choir room 10:00 AM | Soulwinning *See Pastor Galdamez if you’re needing an area to go door knocking